8/16 GOZAN no OKURIBI (Mountain Bonfire) open terrace
8月16日(木) 京都のお盆の終わりと告げる五山送り火を鑑賞していただけるように、RC HOTEL 京都八坂の屋上を解放いたします。
屋上は銀閣寺の大文字を除く他の送り火を全て一望できる特等席。この機会に是非RC HOTEL 京都八坂へお越しください。
「五山送り火鑑賞」@RC HOTEL 京都八坂
日時:8月16日(木) 19:00-22:00 ※屋上解放は19:30-21:00
場所:RC HOTEL 京都八坂
Shunsuke Kano Exhibition “stone age in the woods “
We are pleased to announce that RC HOTEL KYOTO YASAKA will start an art exhibition called“stone age in the woods “
collaborating with Shunsuke Kano, a modern artist who works in Kyoto, Japan.
Date: Thursday August 9th-Thursday November 1st, 2018
Gallery Rooms: Room 301and 302(Guests Only)
Public Gallery: 3pm-10pm at First Floor Lobby at RC HOTEL KYOTO YASAKA
*We are planning to have a screening event at a rooftop on September or October.
5/25【Enjoy an open-air tea ceremony at rooftop terrace ~Kissa Kaiyuu Ki~】
At the rooftop of RC HOTEL KYOTO YASAKA, aside from enjoying the cityscape of Yasaka area in Kyoto, during the tea ceremony,
our “Nodate” promoter “Totousha” will present tea and sho (a japanese wind instrument)performance. Please come to join us!
Date : 25th May 2018
Please reserve from below