Closed day
We will be closed for the period below:
3rd Feb, 2025 after Check Out – 7th Feb, 2025 at 8am
We will be unable to response inquiries during the dates, and back to business on 7th.
Thank you for your understanding.
【Exhibition】Art Rhizome KYOTO 9/3-11/6

Art Rhizome KYOTO is a multi-venue art event including hotels, cafés, a bookstore, and public spaces, and makes opportunities where many people can expose themselves to art especially reflecting the cultural and historical richness of Kyoto.
This time, our Lobby becomes one of properties that exhibit works of an artist, Mari Tanimoto.
With not only the paintings displayed on the wall but also 3D works using ceramics, it adds some change in our Lobby.
Everyone is welcomed to enjoy the exhibition. Please come over and experience art!
【OPEN】3rd Sep, 2024 – 6th Nov, 2024.

Breakfast Service “A Morning Plate”

We will start to offer complimentary breakfast to all guests starting on 4/Jun/2024.
The main dish is a “plate”.

Pick your favorite plate from the selection of the works from potters all over Japan.
And what’s served is a toast bread produced by SHINSHINDO, a bakery established in Kyoto.

We hope you enjoy your plate that boosts the beginning of a day in our Lobby with beautiful sunshine coming in.
For : All staying guests
Time : 8:00am – 10:30 (L.O.)
Place : 1F Lobby
The menu is a toast bread and a cup of drink.
We do not provide any alternative menu with guests who have allergies.
Thank you for your understanding.

As a new project, we are going to hold pop-up exhibitions occasionally.
We will invite artists to give “colors” to our lobby by displaying and selling their works.
This time, we are having a photographer Mr. Kuroishi Shota who creates beautiful works by printing pictures on “Washi (Japanese traditional paper)”.
Feel free to visit us!
Date : 2024/3/1 – 3/14
upcoming exhibition ULALA IMAI | MICROCOSM
We are pleased to announce our upcoming exhibition
Date and Hours: Saturday, August 8th, 2020 – Sunday, November 8th, 2020
15:00-22:00 *There is no closed day during the exhibition.
Place: The lobby at RC HOTEL KYOTO YASAKA
Guest Room # 301 and #302 * The hotel guest only
期間:2020年8月8日(土)-11月8日(日) 会期中無休 15:00-22:00
会場:RC HOTEL 京都八坂1Fロビー、301、302号室(※客室は宿泊客のみ公開)
住所:〒605-0827 京都市東山区八坂上町370番地
この度RC HOTEL 京都八坂では画家、今井麗の個展「MICROCOSM」を開催致します。
企画 RC HOTEL 京都八坂 ディレクター 熊谷卓哉
※ 特に初日は混雑が見込まれます。
今井麗 Ulala Imai
1982 神奈川県生まれ
2004 多摩美術大学美術学部絵画学科油画専攻卒業
2009 多摩美術大学大学院美術研究科博士課程満期退学
2012 シェル美術賞 本江邦夫審査員奨励賞受賞
2017 greenpoint books & things(神奈川・横浜)
The Steak House DOSKOI(東京・巣鴨)
2018 恵文社一乗寺店 ギャラリーアンフェール(京都・一乗寺)
nidi gallery(東京・渋谷)
2019 READAN DEAT (広島)
〈LOVERS2018〉 XYZ Collective (巣鴨)
boy Attic(東京・代官山)
2020 project N 東京オペラシティー(東京・初台)
OIL by 美術手帖 PARCO (東京・渋谷)
Union Pacific(イギリス・ロンドン)
Nonaka hillgallery viewingroom (アメリカ・ロサンゼルス)
nidi gallery(東京・渋谷)
2017 〈FAIR Paris Internationale 2017〉(フランス・パリ)
2018 〈NADA 2018〉 XYZ Collective (マイアミ)
6/1 Reopen
RC HOTEL KYOTO YASAKA will be reopen on 1st June after one and a half month closure.
And now we have special rates for reopening until September. We are always welcoming for your arrival.
★special reopen rates★
Monday to Thrusday 10000yen per room for 2 pax
Friday to Sunday and Holidays 12000yer per room for 2 pax
▼Please reserve from the link below
Temporarily closed until 31th May 2020
In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus,
RC HOTEL KYOTO YASAKA will be temporarily closed until 31th May 2020.
We hope that everything will be settled down and we could see you soon.
Temporarily closed until 6th May 2020.
In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus,
RC HOTEL KYOTO YASAKA will be temporarily closed until 6th May 2020.
We hope that everything will be settled down and we could see you soon.
Makoto Egashira Exhibition | imitation・onyx
Makoto Egashira Exhibition | imitation・onyx
Date and Hours: Monday, February 2nd, 2020 – Saturday, May 30th, 2020
15:00-22:00 *There is no closed day during the exhibition.
Place: The lobby at RC HOTEL KYOTO YASAKA
Guest Room # 301 and #302 * The hotel guest only
この度RC HOTEL 京都八坂では江頭誠の作品展「イミテイション・オニキス」
RC HOTEL京都八坂での江頭の新しい作品展開にご期待ください。
企画 RC HOTEL 京都八坂 アートディレクター 熊谷卓哉
Sohei Nishino Exhibition | Make the Road
Sohei Nishino Exhibition “Make the Road”
Date and Hours: Thursday, November 7th, 2019 – Saturday, February 29th, 2020
15:00-22:00 *There is no closed day during the exhibition.
Place: The lobby at RC HOTEL KYOTO YASAKA
Guest Room # 301 and #302 * The hotel guest only
Event: “Nomad Walk/Nomad Talk”
Date: Saturday, November 16th, 2019
| Nomad Walk |
Early in the morning until noon @ RC HOTEL and neighborhood /1,500 YEN
| Nomad Talk |
18:00-21:00 @ RC HOTEL lobby /1,000 YEN with one drink
*If you attend both events, it will be 2,000 YEN in total.
*Contact with us for details or attending these events at
We are delighted to tell you that we have a new art exhibition “Make the Road” by Photographer Sohei Nishino.
Nishino is well known for a photographer who “nomadding” cities and nature across the world and collaging photos by his hand. As you see the title of the art exhibition “Make the Road,” Nishino traveled in Ladakh, North India and faces several roads in his journey. In this exhibition, he focuses on the “Losing Nomadic Road,” “New Road Making by Government, “and ” The Road Nishino Walked.” You will follow his nomad walk by seeing his snapshots.
We also have experience-based events “Nomad walk/ Nomad Talk” relating to this exhibition.
Please take this opportunity to come by RC HOTEL KYOTO YASAKA
Sohei Nishino
Born in 1982 at Hyogo, Japan. Nishino produces works based on his personal experiences obtained through walking and travel. He obtained Newcomer’s Award of Photographic Society of Japan Awards (2013), Foam Talents Call 2013, Prizes for Newcomer Professionals of Photo City Sagamihara (2016), and MAST foundation for Photography grant 2018 on industry and work: group exhibition (2018, MAST Foundation, Italy, Bologna)
His major works are DAEGU PHOTO BIENNALE 2010 (Korea), Contemporary Japanese Photography vol.10(2012, Tokyo/Kyoto Museum of Photography), Diorama Map
Festival Images Vevey (2012, Switzerland), Of Walking(2013, Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago) and a solo exhibition at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA), etc.